sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

Discriminación contra los enfermos mentales por compañías de seguros

Mental Health Insurance
date: 2010-11-20 | Author: David McEvoy

Extracto del Artículo publicado en http://en.artikeldirectory.com/108259_Mental-Health-Insurance/

The results of a major report on discrimination against the mentally ill have shown that insurance companies often deny safe place, or exemptions from an insurance policy when there is a history of mental health problems, even if these problems existed for many years and are no longer a problem. This applies to any type of insurance, not just life insurance or travel insurance, mortgage insurance, unemployment insurance, payment protection, all become more difficult to obtain if you have a mental health problem or history of mental illness.

So what can you do about it? Certainly, if there is a case of unfair discrimination, then you can sue under the Disability Discrimination Act, but according to the Mind, the British NGO leader in mental health, only a small number of cases are taken under this law and these, few are ever successful. Similarly, the report of the Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) that the majority of claims against insurance protection payment fail when mental illness is involved, it is a common exclusion in many insurance policies.

It's not all doom and gloom, but people seem to be waking up to the fact that something is wrong somewhere and that people with mental illness deserve the same rights as anyone else. Over in the U.S. for example, a study by the Mental Health Association of America found that most Americans believe that people with mental health problems should no longer be discriminated against by insurance companies health. In fact, about 96% of Americans believe that health insurance should also cover mental health. Here in the UK, the government is aware of the issues around mental health and social exclusion and strengthening of legislation to protect people from unfair discrimination.

Los aseguradores deben esforzarse en explicar los criterios de valoración de riesgos de las personas con enfermedades mentales y evitar así la percepción de discrminación como nos dice el artículo extractado.

José Miguel Rodríguez-Pardo del Castillo.